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Software Product Engineering: Growth is in Other Verticals
Updated on 05 June 24

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Engineering Service Highlights for Q4FY24 (Jan-Mar 24)
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Q4FY24 (Jan-Mar 24) Revenue and Growth Rates of Software Product Engineering Service Providers

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Tata Elxsi

The collaboration between Tata Elxsi and Red Hat aims to accelerate the monetization of 5G networks by establishing a use case factory to help global operators leverage their networks through custom 5G applications in sectors such as transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare. For example, in the automotive industrys shift towards software-defined vehicles, there is increasing demand for real-time, secure OTA updates and containerized services via 5G networks. The partnership addresses these needs with an integrated solution that combines Tata Elxsi's TETHER connected vehicle platform and NEURON network automation platform, with Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat In-Vehicle Operating System.

EIIR Industries


The collaboration between Tata Elxsi and Red Hat aims to accelerate the monetization of 5G networks by establishing a use case factory to help global operators leverage their networks through custom 5G applications in sectors such as transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare. For example, in the automotive industrys shift towards software-defined vehicles, there is increasing demand for real-time, secure OTA updates and containerized services via 5G networks. The partnership addresses these needs with an integrated solution that combines Tata Elxsi's TETHER connected vehicle platform and NEURON network automation platform, with Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat In-Vehicle Operating System.

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Red Hat

The collaboration between Tata Elxsi and Red Hat aims to accelerate the monetization of 5G networks by establishing a use case factory to help global operators leverage their networks through custom 5G applications in sectors such as transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare. For example, in the automotive industrys shift towards software-defined vehicles, there is increasing demand for real-time, secure OTA updates and containerized services via 5G networks. The partnership addresses these needs with an integrated solution that combines Tata Elxsi's TETHER connected vehicle platform and NEURON network automation platform, with Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat In-Vehicle Operating System.

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Software Product Engineering: Growth is in Other Verticals

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Network engineering

The collaboration between Tata Elxsi and Red Hat aims to accelerate the monetization of 5G networks by establishing a use case factory to help global operators leverage their networks through custom 5G applications in sectors such as transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare. For example, in the automotive industrys shift towards software-defined vehicles, there is increasing demand for real-time, secure OTA updates and containerized services via 5G networks. The partnership addresses these needs with an integrated solution that combines Tata Elxsi's TETHER connected vehicle platform and NEURON network automation platform, with Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat In-Vehicle Operating System.

EIIR Intelligence

Connected Car

The collaboration between Tata Elxsi and Red Hat aims to accelerate the monetization of 5G networks by establishing a use case factory to help global operators leverage their networks through custom 5G applications in sectors such as transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare. For example, in the automotive industrys shift towards software-defined vehicles, there is increasing demand for real-time, secure OTA updates and containerized services via 5G networks. The partnership addresses these needs with an integrated solution that combines Tata Elxsi's TETHER connected vehicle platform and NEURON network automation platform, with Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat In-Vehicle Operating System.

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Celonis and NEC initiated a proof of concept to integrate NEC's advanced Japanese language generative AI with Celonis' process intelligence platform. This integration enables even non-experts in process mining to utilize process intelligence in near real-time and conduct business analysis in natural Japanese. Early results indicate improvements in business operations, including reduced order management and operational delays caused by rework.

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Q4FY24 (Jan-Mar 24) Revenue and Growth Rates of Software Product Engineering Service Providers

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